Pakistan's First Asia Cup Win : Pakistan vs Sri Lanka Asia Cup 2000 Final Highlights

  • Опубликовано: 25 мар 2025
  • Pakistan vs Sri Lanka Asia Cup 2000 Final Full Highlights : Pakistan Win Asia Cup for the First Time - Watch Pakistan's maiden Asia Cup title victory against Sri Lanka at Dhaka in the 2000 edition of the tournament.
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Комментарии • 576

  • @asim5675556
    @asim5675556 5 лет назад +69

    loved the full support of Bangladeshi people look like this was played Lahore or Karachi . thanks Bangladeshi people

  • @mirasdaq56
    @mirasdaq56 2 года назад +25

    Loved the Banladeshi Public Support. We are brothers from the same mother. No matter what happened in the past but that bond and love will always will be in our heart. ❤️

    • @roopendrawardlaw
      @roopendrawardlaw Год назад

      Yes Bangladesh and Pakistan are sons of same mother. Thats why Bangladesh Mothers and Sisters were raped by Pakistan, then Bangladesh begged India to save from Pakistan.

  • @parvaizahmadparray2073
    @parvaizahmadparray2073 2 года назад +13

    Moin alway's use to come in and finish the job in quick succession, tremendous game awareness and such brilliance he have had. That was the golden Era of Pakistan Cricket.

  • @ShortsByHaaziq
    @ShortsByHaaziq 5 лет назад +76

    Saeed Anwar those sweep shots such class now batsmen struggle to sweep those were golden days of cricket

  • @fr7820
    @fr7820 6 лет назад +225

    I am from Bangladesh.I like Pakistan cricket team.That Pakistani team of 1999-2000 was really great.

  • @knowledgeacademytrendingco6425
    @knowledgeacademytrendingco6425 4 года назад +18

    Love to see bangdesh crowed love and support pakistan! 😍

  • @Muhd262
    @Muhd262 3 года назад +4

    Attapattu what a class player he was. Pakistan was exceptional. I still remember this match watching live in my neighbours home love from india

  • @junaidkhan-vo2bn
    @junaidkhan-vo2bn 3 года назад +18

    14:45. That's why I love wasim Akram. The aggression

    • @Muhd262
      @Muhd262 3 года назад

      Wasim whenever get big hit become furious. And he takes his revenge

    • @travelacharjee9292
      @travelacharjee9292 11 месяцев назад

      ​@@Muhd262His pace reduced due to diabetes. Still he did not lose his swinging seaming capacities.

  • @naumanmuhammadsmefinancefo1450
    @naumanmuhammadsmefinancefo1450 2 года назад +6

    Moin khan , mark boucher, michael Bavon, jeff dujon, russel Arnold, fair brother & chris harris all are unsung heroes who did excellent for their team in chrunch situation especially in last 5overs of the match.

  • @islamjohirul1131
    @islamjohirul1131 6 лет назад +301

    I always love Pakistan cricket. In 1990 to 2000 Pakistan was one of the best Cricket team.

    • @siddiqkhan1769
      @siddiqkhan1769 5 лет назад +11

      yes u r write ofter 2000 im not trust cricket

    • @shahik6798
      @shahik6798 5 лет назад +8

      Truly said. I believe till 2003 they were best.

    • @zainamjad7298
      @zainamjad7298 5 лет назад +3

      @manishoda baghair chuddaie k koi baap nae banta Bharat Mata😂😂😂

    • @medolhasan4735
      @medolhasan4735 5 лет назад +12

      @manishoda So what...can you check Pakistan vs india head to head... After cheke you know who is father and who is cow

    • @veryordinarypeople5135
      @veryordinarypeople5135 5 лет назад +2

      @Joshim Taher তর বাপ কি মুক্তিযোদ্ধা ছিলো😂😂

  • @shahnazgull2000
    @shahnazgull2000 4 года назад +9

    1990-2000 best Pakistan is best team with greatest cricketer of all times

  • @santusantu6315
    @santusantu6315 2 года назад +10

    Pakistan is 2 time Asia Cup Champion. Both occasion they won trophy from Bangladesh. Bangladesh is always lucky ground for Pakistan.

  • @syedaliraza1260
    @syedaliraza1260 4 года назад +10

    14:43 sir waseem akram magic 💞

  • @araufchaudhary6465
    @araufchaudhary6465 5 лет назад +27

    I never seen sl to drop so many catches like in this match

  • @ArifKhan-td4nf
    @ArifKhan-td4nf 10 месяцев назад +1

    Inzamam what a hitting ❤❤
    Legendary Batting from Inzamam ❤❤
    Always hits with perfection ❤

  • @bangladesheastminstersocie8619
    @bangladesheastminstersocie8619 6 лет назад +103

    I just had a flashback. Can't describe, how happy 😊 I was… Insha'Allah, one day Bangladesh 🇧🇩 will win the World Cup

    • @MuhammadAli-eq1on
      @MuhammadAli-eq1on 5 лет назад +2

      Bangladesh Eastminster Society in sha Allah Bangladesh will take this World Cup

    • @majidraza8902
      @majidraza8902 5 лет назад +2

      In Sha from pakistan

    • @rayyanasim5858
      @rayyanasim5858 5 лет назад

      inshALLAH from Pakistan 😍

    • @Mutlak-yo5ot
      @Mutlak-yo5ot 5 лет назад

      In sha Allah love from pakistan

    • @SistrologyFan1000
      @SistrologyFan1000 5 лет назад

      in sha ALLAH .Bangla Deshi team also brightening day by day

  • @javedalishaik7767
    @javedalishaik7767 5 лет назад +10

    1992 to 2001 Pakistani team was Lyk a Super power of Cricketing nation.. players lyk waseem,Anwar,inzi,Moin,afridi,Razzaq,Yousuf,Waqar,azhar Mahmood,Saqlain,Akhtar, Man wat a team at those times.. ♥️ from your neighbouring country

  • @zainulabideen6218
    @zainulabideen6218 2 года назад +49

    Great response from the crowd every time a Sri Lanka wicket fell! Pakistan always had great support in Bangladesh! Love from Pakistan!

  • @iqbalmohammed9327
    @iqbalmohammed9327 2 года назад +1

    Look how Bangladesh loves Pakistan n Imran khan… love cricket…

  • @VijayTiwari-nc4gt
    @VijayTiwari-nc4gt 5 лет назад +7

    Afridi only 2 overs. He was always underestimated by Pakistani cricketers and PCB. He should have ideally played for India or Australia and his record would have been much bigger and better. He was all 3 format player and a genuine all rounder. He was mismanaged by PCB and their politics.

  • @chandanapradeep9535
    @chandanapradeep9535 4 года назад +20

    Aravinda, wasim are top class legends...❤❤❤

  • @90ssoul61
    @90ssoul61 4 года назад +6

    Don't know,but I always have a love zone for Sri Lanka even they played against Pakistan, perhaps they are very humble players

  • @chakrabortybiltochabrabort7806
    @chakrabortybiltochabrabort7806 11 месяцев назад +1

    There is lots of Legend player in Pakistan Line up❤❤❤🎉🎉

  • @saifnadeem5642
    @saifnadeem5642 6 лет назад +83

    So this means Moin Khan invented the scoop shot look at the 48th over..😍🤔

    • @SistrologyFan1000
      @SistrologyFan1000 5 лет назад +2

      Yes he inverted it

    • @boostmorale3128
      @boostmorale3128 5 лет назад +1

      Look at moin khan
      Thats what an active player can do....
      But after inclusion of the lazy shoaib akhtar his body language destroyed others enthusiasm

    • @waqasnoor2808
      @waqasnoor2808 5 лет назад +2

      I wonder if current player will play all these scoops, reverse sweeps etc with slim bats like back in days while facing bowler like holding, Lawson, Lillee, Ambrose and all the great bowlers of that era

    • @leoali80
      @leoali80 2 года назад


  • @sakibsakib6676
    @sakibsakib6676 3 года назад +2

    I am from Bangladesh 🇧🇩 I like Pakistan 🇵🇰 team 1992 World Cup and 1999 World Cup this time Pakistan team real cricket no match fixing but 2005 since Pakistani maximum players are not good md Amir salman bhat asif shoaib akther dobe test drugs addict all are bad records for Pakistan team very sad 😔

  • @nomanhameed605
    @nomanhameed605 6 лет назад +33

    All time my favrt plyr saeed anwar

  • @hamdanivlogs7541
    @hamdanivlogs7541 5 лет назад +27

    Never seen a finisher like Moin Khan ,,,,He had been very quick and fast on the pitch and behind the wickets ...repect and love

  • @ImranBasha-c4x
    @ImranBasha-c4x 2 месяца назад +1

    Very Very Great Captain And Pakistan ALL Player Very Good ❤❤❤.

  • @behindthefreezR
    @behindthefreezR 5 лет назад +41

    The amount of dropped catches from the Sri Lankan team was unreal. They could have totally won this.

    • @ObsidianOsama
      @ObsidianOsama Год назад +4

      catches win matches, they did not deserve to win after that dropped catches

  • @Bayzidbro69
    @Bayzidbro69 Год назад

    Proud him Bangladeshi pm price in winnar team ❤️‍🩹💖
    I am from Bangladesh but I always love pak cricket team 🥹🫶🏻

  • @KHAN-sj2dn
    @KHAN-sj2dn 3 года назад +8

    Good old days of cricket ❤

  • @asifiqbal5572
    @asifiqbal5572 6 лет назад +54

    Pak sri Lankan friendship best

    • @BALOCH69018
      @BALOCH69018 5 лет назад +5

      I love pakistan i love sri lanka

  • @infowala3945
    @infowala3945 5 лет назад +8

    Srilanka's fielding in this match was just giving Pakistan a chance to score big I don't think this many catches were dropped in a single match ever

  • @shaphienasir
    @shaphienasir 4 года назад +4

    Salute to those who think this match wasn't fixed.... Insider knowledge.

  • @syedmuhammadabbas4620
    @syedmuhammadabbas4620 4 года назад +6

    Best moment of the match afridi direct hit run out Jayawardena

  • @waqasmughal8726
    @waqasmughal8726 Год назад +1

    That peroid pak and SL faced in finals and India was far away.

    • @nidhikumar2703
      @nidhikumar2703 Год назад

      Which period? India won 4 asia cups already by 2000 unlike Pakistan.. in previous asia cup of 1997 Ind vs sl was the finals and in the next asia cup of 2004 again India and Sri were in the finals...
      So which period you are talking about?? Period of one year? 😂

  • @sajjadalizainupabideen2450
    @sajjadalizainupabideen2450 2 года назад +1

    Inzamam ul haq the greatest batsman in cricket history

  • @arsiii
    @arsiii 5 лет назад +5

    Saeed anwar was best and very good sweep shots what a player he was

  • @ranahasan24
    @ranahasan24 5 лет назад +10

    This Sheikh Haseena in 2012 was in stadium when Bangladesh was winning in Asia cup. Then Pakistan won it from no where n she left the stadium without distributing prize

    • @ahmedfahim3588
      @ahmedfahim3588 4 года назад +1

      Yes.Because Pakistan is a fixer team .Enemy of Bangladesh.

    • @comradehasnainkhan1247
      @comradehasnainkhan1247 3 года назад


    • @ahmedfahim3588
      @ahmedfahim3588 3 года назад

      @@comradehasnainkhan1247 proud to be a nagin.

    • @comradehasnainkhan1247
      @comradehasnainkhan1247 3 года назад +1

      @@ahmedfahim3588 watch loose talk episode 46 you will love it seriously❤️видео.html

    • @ahmedfahim3588
      @ahmedfahim3588 3 года назад

      @@comradehasnainkhan1247 I know this episode.

  • @hamzakhurshid9000
    @hamzakhurshid9000 6 лет назад +22

    Refreshing to see the two greatest Pakistan ODI batsmen after Miandad. Inzi and Saeed Anwar

  • @iramiram850
    @iramiram850 6 лет назад +26

    No amir sohail n ajaz ahmad and also waqar and shoaib akhtar still won without these important players

    • @tazkinhossain5749
      @tazkinhossain5749 5 лет назад

      Pakistan team in 90s and late 2000 were on another many match winners they had.

    • @md.abulhasnatbhuiyan4518
      @md.abulhasnatbhuiyan4518 5 лет назад

      Amir Sohel is not a good player.

    • @touqeerahmed348
      @touqeerahmed348 4 года назад +1

      @@md.abulhasnatbhuiyan4518 come on brother Amir Sohail he is the best one day opener also he's the best test player just check how many century he got in test also how many century in one day match he is the best played all the time

    • @osamadogar9892
      @osamadogar9892 3 года назад

      Y they weren't playing

  • @RanaAhmed-oo2pe
    @RanaAhmed-oo2pe 6 лет назад +129

    Bangladeshi people like and support Pakistani cricket team.

  • @shaistashah2297
    @shaistashah2297 4 года назад +2

    ups nd downs happened with all teams starting from the black storm windies time then Pakistan times then Australia then india...nd now it's such a battle period of cricket England india africa Australia Pakistan these 5 teams have showed there excellence very time every where..such a tough era of cricket to choose who is better one

  • @farhanmohamed878
    @farhanmohamed878 4 года назад +2

    90 kids and pakistan’s last 10 overs
    SL n pak frndshp since 90s till now

  • @mixttogether5702
    @mixttogether5702 3 года назад

    That was the team and time i think Pakistan got the best players ever.i think that was the team that only got once in a life time.i can't forgot those days.i am from Bangladesh.

  • @subin583
    @subin583 4 года назад +7

    Jayasuriya was the only guy who can get out to Tendulkar and Anwar,opener vs openers

  • @shahik6798
    @shahik6798 5 лет назад +4

    Look at this team how united they were on the field.even though some good player missing this match, still they had good replacement.whta a team pak was. How moin was encouraging players behind stumps. Example run out made by afridi.shahid bhag shahid bhag then he hits the stump. how enthusiastic pak team was.

    • @suparnodutta3880
      @suparnodutta3880 5 лет назад

      According to late huma akram moin was the master of enthusiasm for the whole team.i have read it in an article of wasim akram.

  • @faheemqureshi84
    @faheemqureshi84 5 лет назад +16

    Look at Shahid Afridi contribution he did help Pak win big tournaments .

  • @santusantu6315
    @santusantu6315 2 года назад

    Supporters of Bangladesh is really electrifying. They always come Stadium to cheer for cricket. It’s not a matter Bangladesh play there or not.

  • @modernaristotle69
    @modernaristotle69 6 лет назад +58

    greatest ever opening batsman Saeed Anwar

  • @NomanKhan-f4s
    @NomanKhan-f4s Месяц назад +1

    My favourite player of pakistan is sir Saeed anwar in this match.

  • @aamirraza6595
    @aamirraza6595 5 лет назад +8

    Saeed Anwar legend

  • @introvertabir4922
    @introvertabir4922 4 года назад +14

    LOOK AT Bangladeshi crowds just alike BANGLADESH playing💓.

  • @faisalhashmi2361
    @faisalhashmi2361 6 лет назад +2

    Saeed bhai inzi or Moeen bhai ny kamal kar dia

  • @mohammadwaqas6943
    @mohammadwaqas6943 5 лет назад +1

    پاکستان 1996 سے لکر 2003 تک بھت اچھی ٹیم تھی

  • @saifullah-uq1kl
    @saifullah-uq1kl 9 месяцев назад

    This team and current PCT...Difference?
    No dependable openers
    No good finishers!
    And the unique thing is that I have not seen any crucial match where Inzi vai and Saeed anwar and in bowling wasim vai not performed..So classy players for decades.❤❤❤

  • @sabahathaider786
    @sabahathaider786 8 месяцев назад

    I always proud of Pakistan who is big match fixer in the world 😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊

  • @mdkhalil5118
    @mdkhalil5118 5 лет назад +18

    I am from Bangladesh my love country Pakistan

  • @MohsinKhan-mb8vp
    @MohsinKhan-mb8vp 5 лет назад +8

    I still remeber this match this was the third consecutive tri series win for pakistan under captaincy of Moin khan before they won in sharjah and westindies and after this tri series they played in srilanka where they were badly thrashed by southAfrica and srilanka and lost all the leauge matches

    • @poultrypoint3462
      @poultrypoint3462 4 года назад

      Was that the same series where inzmam got hit wicket against SA chasing 190 od?????
      I think pal's score was 163. Inzmam hit a six and got hit wicket.
      Childhood memories

    • @abdullahazimshah9220
      @abdullahazimshah9220 2 года назад +1

      @@poultrypoint3462 that tri-series was played in morocco in 2002

  • @mizat8189
    @mizat8189 6 лет назад +4

    زبر دست بہت اچھا پاکستان زندہ باد ہ

  • @DrZohaibHidayat
    @DrZohaibHidayat Год назад

    14:42 it was very rare for any batsman to slog Wasim like this. I remember watching it live and thought to myself that it wasn't very wise for Sri Lankan batsman to take on Wasim and sure enough the next ball charged up Wasim cleaned him with unplayable yorker.
    Sometimes you have to pick and choose which bowler to attack and which to navigate

  • @abuthahirca1053
    @abuthahirca1053 6 лет назад +16

    Wasim akram world famous bowler

  • @zahidmustafa5663
    @zahidmustafa5663 6 лет назад +7

    Bangladesh gave Asia Cup win to Pakistan now its liability of Pakistan to gave Bangladesh Asia cup win in Lahore. Soon or later Bangladesh will also be the champion of Asia cup. Love for Bangladesh.

    • @AnwarAli-by2xx
      @AnwarAli-by2xx 6 лет назад +2

      Asia cup is not playing in Pakistan bhai
      Haa yes we all pray for Bangladesh to win asia Bangladesh 🇧🇩🇵🇰

    • @zahidmustafa5663
      @zahidmustafa5663 6 лет назад

      In Future not right now....

    • @taniajelani852
      @taniajelani852 6 лет назад +1

      Inshallah my brother

    • @aamirali7153
      @aamirali7153 5 лет назад +1

      All new players like
      Ab deviliers , Maxwell Warner Dilshan.etc they are all coppied moin Khan shots ...
      Moin played after 90' he is the king of paddle Sweep ,& slot Sweeps shots.

    • @sohaibaslam6020
      @sohaibaslam6020 5 лет назад

      Asian Cricket Council has decided that nxt Asia Cup will be played in Pakistan, I wish Bangladesh win, respect and Best Wishes from🇵🇰

  • @awaismahmood2452
    @awaismahmood2452 3 года назад +1

    Look at the master saeed anwar sweep.its never been easy to sweep against Murali tharan but he shows his class against murali.

  • @markdonald9660
    @markdonald9660 6 лет назад +94

    کیا کلاس تھی سعید انور کی

  • @ijazkhan3335
    @ijazkhan3335 5 лет назад +7

    Inzi was a monster !!!

  • @zainulabideen6218
    @zainulabideen6218 2 года назад +1

    How many drop catches do you want?
    Sri Lanka: Yes

  • @alinaqi6926
    @alinaqi6926 2 года назад

    Vaas on no3 is something very surprising

  • @rehanawanclothesfaisalabad1833
    @rehanawanclothesfaisalabad1833 3 года назад +1

    Yes Pakistani team best from 1980 till 2000

  • @s39lucky93
    @s39lucky93 2 года назад

    Now in 2022 it is exact reverse... Last ball six by srilanka batting first here it is pakistan...lot of catches are dropped by pakistan and here it is srilanka...

  • @TalhaGamer-nm7qn
    @TalhaGamer-nm7qn Год назад

    Great Sir Waseem Akram 14:44

  • @MirzadaFilms
    @MirzadaFilms 2 года назад

    Moin Khan was one of the best stylish and Finisher ever

  • @saadiibhai4791
    @saadiibhai4791 2 года назад +1

    InshAllah tomorrow Pakistan win against srilanka

  • @atharvdubey79
    @atharvdubey79 Год назад

    As an indian I've never seen a better left hander than saeed anwar

  • @saqibzia197
    @saqibzia197 2 года назад +1

    First time in this match Srilanka drop so many catches 😳

  • @shadmansaqib9022
    @shadmansaqib9022 5 лет назад +5

    I was watching the match from the gallery as a 6yrs old boy

  • @zerogravity4749
    @zerogravity4749 4 года назад +1

    Bengali brother's support to Pakistan was just amazing

    • @ahmedfahim3588
      @ahmedfahim3588 4 года назад

      We Bangladeshis dont need Pakistans support.

    • @zerogravity4749
      @zerogravity4749 4 года назад +1

      @@ahmedfahim3588 lolz 😂😂👌 read it again chick what wrote up there you mean yo say bengali people not support pakistan right

  • @waz2026
    @waz2026 4 года назад +2

    Most competitive Pakistan team of all time👍

  • @freenfreshbd9692
    @freenfreshbd9692 5 лет назад +6

    That match was in Bangladesh...see Pakistan,,,how much love we had for Pakistan..but your misbehave made us separate.

    • @ranahasan24
      @ranahasan24 5 лет назад +3

      Yes i m amazed to see so many Bangladeshi always support Pakistan. Love you bro from Lahore. We felt bad our elite class treated you badly

    • @saifurrehman5028
      @saifurrehman5028 4 года назад +1

      We love you too brither.

    • @imranlion1996
      @imranlion1996 4 года назад +1

      Not our misbehave bro our Politicans misbehave

    • @zerogravity4749
      @zerogravity4749 4 года назад

      Two brothers fights within home but it doesn't means one should became puppet in enemies hand and went seperated technically its a disaster initiated mutually by both western politicians and eastern wing bengali people who caught manipulated by Indian proxies but apart of it we will always love our eastern wing distance cant apart us by heart

    • @freenfreshbd9692
      @freenfreshbd9692 4 года назад

      @@zerogravity4749 Don't blame India...look at how you treated us... India just had taken the opportunity.

  • @arslanabbas7086
    @arslanabbas7086 6 лет назад +5

    Razzaq bai ma ap ka boht. Bda fan hu

  • @waqasrasool6494
    @waqasrasool6494 2 года назад

    AFRIDI 🏆👑💯🎊

  • @ogaoga1409
    @ogaoga1409 4 года назад

    Live khela dekheci saeed Anwar best batsman

  • @heyla4061
    @heyla4061 5 лет назад +9

    Saeed anwar, the most stylish left handed batsman 😊

  • @wallikhanishaqzai1267
    @wallikhanishaqzai1267 6 лет назад +6

    Wow Inzi bhai

  • @AsadMalik-qi9gx
    @AsadMalik-qi9gx 2 года назад +1

    for this match, pak team batting line-up should've been like this:
    1. Shahid Afridi
    2. Imran Nazir
    3. Mohammad Yousuf
    4. Inzamam-ul-Haq
    5. Saeed Anwar
    6. Moin Khan (c & wk)
    7. Wasim Akram
    8. Abdul Razzaq
    9. Azhar Mahmood
    10 Arshad Khan
    11. Mohammad Akram
    & for Sri Lanka, for this match the batting line-up should've been like this:
    1. Marvan Atapattu
    2. Sanath Jayasuriya (c)
    3. Aravinda de Silva
    4. Mahela Jayawardene
    5. Russel Arnold
    6. Romesh Kaluwitharana (wk)
    7. Chaminda Vaas
    8. Upul Chandana
    9. Nuwan Zoysa
    10. Muttiah Muralitharan
    11.Sajeewa de Silva

  • @waskhan81
    @waskhan81 3 года назад +3

    This got to be the most dropped catches Odi in the history of cricket. Wow SL

  • @VickySaini-xc6sm
    @VickySaini-xc6sm Год назад +1


  • @Doodoohead-i6r
    @Doodoohead-i6r Год назад

    As a Pakistani, im gonna win another Asia cup for Pakistan in the future

  • @JahangirAlam-cu3cn
    @JahangirAlam-cu3cn 2 года назад

    Greetings from Bangladesh to Pakistan

  • @zainulabideen6218
    @zainulabideen6218 5 лет назад +1

    People credit AB de Villiers for 7:21 but Moin Khan actually mainstreamed it.

  • @imranbasha8776
    @imranbasha8776 2 года назад +1

    I'm Odam Imran Basha Tamil Nadu India
    Pakistan Very Good Captain Moin Khan Asia Cup Beautiful Excellent ❤️👍.

  • @mujeeburrahmanmujeeburrahm7665
    @mujeeburrahmanmujeeburrahm7665 3 года назад +1

    In this era Saeed anwer and saqlain Mushtaq were my favorite players

  • @aamirali7153
    @aamirali7153 4 года назад +1

    Memories 💗💗💗💗💗❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️💐💐💐💐💐💐💐

  • @jaguarfreefire7631
    @jaguarfreefire7631 2 года назад +2

    Today on 7th September 2022 Pakistan is going again in the finals of Asia cup with srilanka
    History will repeat again
    Pakistan will win inshallah

  • @fdfardin
    @fdfardin 5 лет назад +1

    Look at the support that Bangladeshis had given to Pakkistan cricket team!!

  • @Cakeggggg
    @Cakeggggg 3 года назад +1

    Geo Pakistan Zindabad

  • @tuhinroy9397
    @tuhinroy9397 4 года назад +4

    Match was fixed..SL never missed catches those days

  • @adamshaw1992
    @adamshaw1992 2 года назад +1

    Sheikh Hasina 15:47

  • @rizwannazarnazar4232
    @rizwannazarnazar4232 Год назад

    Pakistan is always best before 2003 Pakistan is very strong team.

  • @perfectdentist536
    @perfectdentist536 4 года назад

    Sri Lanka made history of droping catches wow great game of cricket